CBSA Single Window Initiative

Through the Single Window Initiative (SWI), traders will be able to provide all required import information electronically to the CBSA. In turn, the CBSA will transmit the information to the appropriate department or agency responsible for regulating the goods. These departments and agencies will assess the information and provide any border-related decisions required. This will streamline and simplify the import process and will significantly reduce the paper burden on the business community.

The SWI reflects a commitment made by Canada and the United States (U.S.) under the Beyond the Border Action Plan to reduce the administrative burden on industry. The data requirements for the SWI in Canada will be aligned to the greatest extent possible with those of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the World Customs Organization Data Model. The U.S. CBP single window is referred to as the International Trade Data System.


– Increased trade and economic growth by modernizing and aligning Canadian and U.S. import reporting processes, which reduces the costs of doing business across the border.

– Minimizing the requirement for paper forms in the import process by allowing commercial traders to electronically submit information to comply with customs and other government regulations for border-related decisions.

– Submitting only information essential to meet regulatory requirements for release of commercial goods will simplify the process for importers.

Nine Canadian departments and agencies (Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Environment Canada, Fisjeries and Oceans Canada, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada,  and Transport Canada) will participate in the SWI along with the CBSA

Additional information is available at the following link.