CBSA publishes “What We Heard” report for CARM regulatory package

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has published a “What We Heard” report to summarize key themes in comments submitted in relation to the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) regulatory package.

Between November 26, 2022, and January 10, 2023, the CBSA invited interested parties to share their views about proposed regulations and regulatory amendments that are needed to fully implement CARM. The regulatory proposal includes amendments to 9 regulations made under the Customs Act and 3 regulations made under the Customs Tariff.

According to the CBSA, some comments related to the proposed regulatory package, while many were about the CARM initiative more broadly. Submissions generally aligned along four themes: digitalization; implementation; financial security and payment methods; and system-specific comments. The CBSA has included its responses to the thematic comments.

The complete report is available on the Canada Border Services Agency website.