CBSA Preparing for CARM Release 1

If you were unable to participate in the CBSA webinar on CARM Client Portal onboarding on AUGUST 10, 2021, the material and recording are now available on the CARM Google Drive (in the folder: Preparing for CARM Release 1 / Preparation pour la version 1 de la GCRA and then Release 1 webinars / webinaires de la version 1).

If you are not already on the CBSA distribution list, it is recommended you register and request to be added to receive updates related to CARM activities.

A reminder that the CARM Client Portal is now live! Additional support materials are now available on the CBSA website in the Onboarding Documentation section of the portal.

For more information on CARM, please view the CARM section of the CBSA website.