CBSA – Deconsolidation Notice – Paper Options for Warehouse Operators, Terminal Operators and Freight Forwarders

CN 16-20, Deconsolidation Notice – Paper Options for Warehouse Operators, Terminal Operators and Freight Forwarders

This notice provides information for freight forwarders, warehouse operators and terminal operators regarding the de-consolidation notice and the process by which warehouse operators may release goods from the warehouse to the freight forwarder.

On June 29th, 2016, the ability to receive the deconsolidation notice was made available to clients by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

On November 7th, 2016, the regulatory amendments making eManifest requirements for freight forwarders mandatory will be implemented.  As indicated in Customs Notice 16-17, Mandatory Electronic House Bills, published on June 29th 2016, the CBSA has provided an extended voluntary period for eManifest requirements for freight forwarders and is moving forward with implementation now that necessary systems functionality is in place.

The deconsolidation notice, which is currently available only through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), is an electronic notice sent from the CBSA to inform clients (freight forwarders, warehouse operators, terminal operators and carriers) that the CBSA has authorized the transfer of cargo control from a consolidated shipment to the related individual house bills that were submitted by a freight forwarder.

The deconsolidation notice serves as electronic notification to the warehouse or terminal operator to allow the freight forwarder to take control of the goods within the consolidation.  This notice also serves as electronic notification to the party liable for duties and taxes that the cargo document that is being deconsolidated (including both the consolidated primary cargo and consolidated house bill documents) is acquitted.

The deconsolidation notice is currently an optional notice which various parties (carriers, freight forwarders, terminals and warehouse operators) must register to receive.  The CBSA strongly encourages all parties to register to receive the deconsolidation notice as this will enable a smoother transition to the electronic transmission of house bills for freight forwarders as well as reduce the paper burden on all parties involved in the transportation and cargo control process.