CBSA – Customs Notices

The following are available in their entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency website.

CN 16-23, Transmission of Electronic House Bills for Shipments Transiting Canada

This notice is to advise freight forwarders that until such time as a full eManifest solution for movements transiting Canada has been developed, the CBSA is implementing interim measures for the requirement to submit electronic house bills for the following types of movements transiting Canada:

(a) United States–Canada–Offshore
(b) Offshore–Canada–United States

The amended Reporting of Imported Goods Regulations for which the implementation begins for freight forwarder requirements, on November 7th 2016 as per Customs Notice 16-17 – Mandatory Electronic House Bills, requires that freight forwarders transmit electronic house bills for consolidated (including back to back) import, in bond and in-transit shipments.

Until such time as the CBSA implements and mandates a complete in-transit solution, the CBSA will:

(a) Temporarily exempt freight forwarders from the requirement to submit electronic house bills for shipments originating in the United States and transiting Canada to an offshore destination (U.S.-Canada-Offshore); and,
(b) Temporarily require the submission of either house bills or supplementary reports for consolidated cargo originating offshore and transiting through Canada to the U.S. (Offshore–Canada–U.S.), when all of the house bills within the consolidated shipment are transiting Canada.

CN 16-22, Update to the Implementation of the Single Window Initiative

This notice is a follow-up of Customs Notices 15-014, 15-031, 15-034 and 15-038 providing further information for commercial importers, custom brokers and software/service providers about the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) Single Window Initiative (SWI).

As of November 2016, the following Participating Government Departments and Agencies (PGA) programs are available for the Integrated Import Declaration (IID):

(a) Transport Canada
– Importation of Vehicles, the Appendix F Process
(b) Fisheries and Oceans Canada
– Commercial importation of aquatic species under the Aquatic Biotechnology, Aquatic Invasive Species and Trade Tracking (Fisheries Resource Management) Programs

These PGA Programs joins the following PGAs and PGA programs that are already live with the IID:
(a) Global Affairs Canada (previously Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
– Import Controls of Agricultural, Steel, and Textiles and Clothing Products
(b) Health Canada
– Importation of Consumer Products, Cosmetics, Radiation Emitting Devices and Pest Control Products
– Importation of Human Drugs, Natural Health Products, and Medical Devices Regulated by the Food and Drugs Act
– Importation of Controlled Substances and Precursors
(c) Natural Resources Canada
– Importation of Energy-using Products
– Kimberley Process – Import of Rough Diamonds
(d) Public Health Agency of Canada
– Importation of Human and Terrestrial Animal Pathogens and Biological Toxins
(e) Transport Canada
– Importation of Vehicles and Tires
(f) Environment and Climate Change Canada (previously Environment Canada)
– Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material
(g) Canadian Food Inspection Agency