CBP Enforcement of In-Bond Usage Authorization

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) eliminated the use of paper 7512 forms (Transport Entry and Manifest of Goods Subject to CBP Inspection and Permit) in 2019 and moved all filings to the electronic platforms. However, CBP has stated that trade partners have been using bonds belonging to ocean or drayage carriers without authorization.

To utilize and obligate a carrier bond, request of written authorization to the specified carriers is required. Authority can be granted on a specific one-time shipment basis or as a blanket authorization for a specified time-period. Bonds executed under the authorization in the CBP ACE Secure Data Portal must be registered under the carriers SCAC code or IRS number.

Pursuant to 19 CFR 113.64, a carrier holding these bonds must comply with CBP requirements. Carriers should be aware of all parties utilizing their bond and ensure that only authorized parties are utilizing their bonds to remain in compliance.

If your drivers move shipments through the United States in-bond, you will want to take time to read the Automated In-Bond Processing Business Process Document to be sure you are in compliance.