Canadian Sanctions Related to Russia and Belarus – Updated

On April 5, 2022, Canada further amended the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations to prohibit the provision of all insurance, reinsurance, and underwriting services for aircraft, aviation and aerospace products either owned by, controlled by, registered to, chartered by, or operated by entities and individuals resident, incorporated, or domiciled in Russia. This amendment also listed an additional nine oligarchs and their family members, as well as regime associates.

On April 5, 2022, Canada further amended the Regulations to sanction an additional six Belarusian oligarchs and three Deputy Ministers of the Ministry of Defence of Belarus. This amendment also prohibited the provision of all insurance, reinsurance, and underwriting services for aircraft, aviation and aerospace products either owned by, controlled by, registered to, chartered by, or operated by entities and individuals resident, incorporated, or domiciled in Belarus. It also prohibited the export to Belarus of all items in the Restricted Goods and Technologies List.