Canada extends waiving of tariffs on Ukrainian goods

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, today announced that Canada will extend the Ukraine Goods Remission Order until June 9, 2024. This will ensure the continued tariff-free import of Ukrainian goods to Canada, including steel and in-quota supply-managed goods.  

The Ukraine Goods Remission Order, in force since June 9, 2022, supports the Ukrainian economy by increasing exports to Canada through the temporary and exceptional remission of customs and trade remedy duties on imports of goods originating in Ukraine.

To obtain relief of customs duties at time of import, special authorization code 22-649 is to be entered in field No. 26 – Special Authority of Form B3-3. (Customs Notice 22-12).

The extension builds on the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) and its modernization as announced by the Prime Minister on April 11, 2023. Since CUFTA came into force on August 1, 2017, tariffs have been eliminated on 99.9 per cent of imports from Ukraine, including fish and seafood, sunflower oil, and minerals; 99.9 per cent of manufactured products; and 99.9 per cent of agricultural products.

Canada is committed to standing with the brave people of Ukraine in their defence of Ukraine’s sovereignty and democracy in the face of Russia’s illegal full-scale invasion, which is limiting Ukraine’s ability to export goods to other countries. Canada’s temporary duty relief for Ukrainian goods is among the most comprehensive packages of tariff waivers in the G7 and the world.

This notice is available in its entirety on the Department of Finance website.