Canada and the United States sign historic preclearance agreement

[On March 16], Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the Honourable Steven Blaney; and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, signed the Agreement on Land, Rail, Marine and Air Transport Preclearance between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America. The Agreement is a major commitment of the Beyond the Border Action Plan issued by Prime Minister Harper and President Obama in December 2011. The Agreement was signed in Washington following a meeting to discuss border security…

When it takes effect, the new Agreement will provide a legal framework that will enable the establishment of new preclearance operations in any of the four modes of transportation. It will allow the market to propose operations when and where it makes sense – facilitating trade and travel, and creating economic benefits for Canadians…

This has been excerpted from 16 March 2015 news release by Public Safety Canada.