Anti-Dumping Duties

Flat Hot-rolled Carbon and Alloy  Steel Sheet and Strip – Expiry Review

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has conducted an expiry review of its orders made on August 15, 2011, in Expiry Review No. RR-2010-001, concerning the dumping of flat hot-rolled carbon and alloy steel sheet and strip, including secondary or non-prime material, in various widths from 0.75 in. (19 mm) and wider, and (a) for product in coil form, in thicknesses from 0.054 in. to 0.625 in. (1.37 mm to 15.875 mm) inclusive, and (b) for product that is cut to length, in thicknesses from 0.054 in. up to but not including 0.187 in. (1.37 mm up to but not including 4.75 mm), excluding (i) flat-rolled stainless steel sheet and strip and (ii) flat hot-rolled, cut-to-length alloy steel products containing no less than 11.5 percent manganese, in thicknesses from 0.12 in. to 0.19 in. (3 mm to 4.75 mm), originating in or exported from Brazil, the People’s Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, India and Ukraine, and the subsidizing of such products originating in or exported from India.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal hereby continues its orders with respect to the dumping of the aforementioned goods originating in or exported from Brazil, the People’s Republic of China and Ukraine and the subsidizing of aforementioned goods originating or exported from India.

Following the determination of the President of the Canada Border Service Agency that the expiry of the orders is unlikely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping of the aforementioned goods originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei and India, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal hereby rescinds its orders with respect to those goods.


Gypsum Board – Preliminary Determination – Statement of Reasons

Provisional duty is payable on subject goods that are released from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) during the period commencing September 6, 2016, and ending on the earlier of the day the investigation is terminated, the day on which the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) makes an order or finding, or the day an undertaking is accepted.

The goods in question are usually classified under the following Harmonized System (HS) classification number and are for convenience of reference only.  Refer to the product definition for authoritative details regarding the subject goods.


For importations of subject goods for which the exporter has not been issued a specific rate, the rate of provisional anti-dumping duty is equal to 276.5% of the export price.


Final Determinations Respecting Large Line Pipe from China and Japan

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) made final determinations of dumping with respect to certain welded large diameter carbon and alloy steel line pipe (large line pipe) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (China) and Japan, and subsidizing of large line pipe from China.  (See Appendix 1 for results.)

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) is continuing its inquiry into the question of injury to the domestic industry and will make an order or finding by October 20, 2016.

Provisional duties will continue to apply on imports of subject goods from China and Japan until the date of the CITT’s order or finding.

The margins of dumping reported in the table above are the margins determined by the CBSA for purposes of the final determination of dumping.  These margins do not reflect the amount of anti-dumping duty to be levied on future importations of dumped goods.  In the event of an injury finding by the CITT, normal values have been provided to the exporters which provided sufficient information for future shipments to Canada and these normal values would come into effect the day after an injury finding.

Imports from exporters/producers in China that did not provide sufficient information to the CBSA during the dumping and subsidy investigations will be subject to the All Other Exporters anti-dumping duty rate of 95.0%, expressed as a percentage of the export price, and countervailing duty rate of 1,657.11 RMB per MT, pursuant to a ministerial specification.

Imports from exporters/producers in Japan that did not provide sufficient information to the CBSA during the dumping and subsidy investigations will be subject to the All Other Exporters anti-dumping duty rate of 95.0%, expressed as a percentage of the export price.

The goods in question are usually classified under the following Harmonized System (HS) classification number.

Note that these HS codes are for convenience of reference only.  Refer to the product definition for authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

7305.11.00.21, 7305.11.00.29, 7305.12.00.20, 7305.19.00.21, 7305.19.00.29.

Additional information about the investigations is contained in a Statement of Reasons, which will be available within 15 days on the CBSA’s website.

Wayne Tian  613-946-2574
Laura Fast    613-954-7370