Anti-Dumping Duties

The following is available on the Canada Border Services Agency website

Copper Pipe Fittings -Expiry Review Decision - 2016-07-20

On March 23, 2016, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) initiated an expiry review investigation to determine whether the expiry of the orders is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping and/or subsidizing of the subject goods.

The investigation has now been completed and today, pursuant to paragraph 76.03(7)(a) of SIMA, the CBSA has determined that the expiry of the orders:

is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping of such goods originating in or exported from the United States;
is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping of such goods originating in or exported from Korea and China; and
is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of subsidizing of such goods originating in or exported from China.

The CITT will now conduct an inquiry to determine whether the expiry of its orders is likely to result in injury to the Canadian industry and has announced that it will issue its decision no later than November 28, 2016.