Anti-Dumping Duties

Large line pipe – Notice of initiation of expiry review investigation

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has today initiated an expiry review investigation to determine whether the expiry of the finding is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping and/or subsidizing of the subject goods.

A decision is expected on or about February 24, 2022.

Large line pipe – Notice of initiation of expiry review investigation

Oil country tubular goods 3 – Notice of preliminary determination

On September 28, 2021, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), made a preliminary determination of dumping respecting certain oil country tubular goods from Mexico.

Provisional duties will now be payable on the subject goods from Mexico that are released from the CBSA on or after September 28, 2021.

For importations of subject goods originating in/or exported from Mexico, for which the exporter has not been issued its own normal values, the anti-dumping duty is 128.40% of the export price.

Oil country tubular goods 3 – Notice of preliminary determination

Refined sugar – Notice of initiation of re-investigation

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has initiated a re investigation of the normal values and export prices of refined sugar, refined from sugar cane or sugar beets, in granulated, liquid and powdered form (refined sugar), originating in or exported from the United States, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and amounts of subsidy of refined sugar originating in or exported from the European Union.

Exporters that wish to participate in this re‑investigation are required to provide a complete and accurate response to the CBSA’s Request for Information (RFI) by November 12, 2021. An exporter will be considered co‑operative if the requested information is submitted on time and the exporter permits verification of the data.

Exporters that are not the manufacturer of the subject goods (e.g. trading companies, vendors, etc.) will receive normal values and specific amounts of subsidy only to the extent that their suppliers/manufacturers provide sufficient information to permit the determination of normal values, export prices and amounts of subsidy.

Refined sugar – Notice of initiation of re-investigation