2024 Customs Tariff for Canada

Please be advised the 2024 Customs Tariff for Canada is now available on the Canada Border Services Agency website.

Customs Notice 23-28: January 1, 2024 Version of the Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff advises the various file formats available for the Customs Tariff.

Concordance tables have been provided for ease of reference and are available on the CBSA website.

The 2024 Tariff reflects scheduled duty rate reductions contained within the legislation of individual Free Trade Agreements, as well as the substitution of certain tariff classification pre-ambles and tariff classification numbers in chapters 27, 28 and 29.

The correct HS tariff classification is a requirement for most government agencies. Importers are encouraged to review their HS tariff classification databases on a regular basis, as the Customs Tariff may undergo changes throughout the Year.

On January 1st, 2024, all changes stemming from HS 2024 will be active in the Customs Commercial System.

Questions or concerns can be directed to our Canadian regulatory team.