CBSA eManifest regulations are in force

On May 6, 2015, regulatory amendments supporting the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) eManifest initiatives were published in the Canada Gazette Part II.

This final step in the Government of Canada’s regulatory process makes the eManifest requirements for highway carriers, rail carriers and freight forwarders, as set out in the regulations, legally binding binding.
The CBSA website has been updated to inform stakeholders that the following implementation timelines apply to eManifest requirements for highway and rail carriers.

Timelines for highway carriers and rail carriers are similar with a transition period from May 06 2015 through July 10 2015 during which time penalties for non-compliance will not be issued. After July 10 2105 and until January10 2016, non-compliant carriers may be issued zero-rated penalties under CBSA’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS).

Effective January 01 2016 highway and rail carriers who do not comply with eManifest may be issued monetary AMPS penalties.

For freight forwarders (a voluntary compliance period remains in effect). The CBSA will communicate the implementation timeline for freight forwarders, once confirmed, and in advance of the mandatory compliance date.

Marine Carriers and Air Carriers who do not comply with ACI requirements will not be issued penalties under CBSA’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) from May 06 2015 to July 10 2015. After July 10 2015 and until January 01 2016 marine and air carriers who do not comply with ACI requirements may be issued zero-rated AMPS penalties. Effective January 01 2016 marine and air carriers who do not comply with ACI requirements may be issued monetary AMPS penalties.

Questions or concerns can be directed to the service group